Many of my friends are dealing with aging parents and teenagers. They are part of what is known as the sandwich generation. Not only are they running teens to soccer, dance, and a plethora of [...]
If you’ve ever struggled with anxiety, you know how distressing and debilitating it can be. While anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems, numbers have been rising since the [...]
Are you ever going to take out the trash? Can you get off your phone and pay attention to me? How many times do I have to tell you to stop at the store and pick up milk? Do you bristle [...]
“I heard Tracy slept with that boy from our science class. She will do anything for attention.” “Did you hear that the neighbor was having an affair with the worker who is remodeling her house? ” [...]
I teach couples how to deal with relationship conflict. The essence of all good conflict strategies is listening without becoming defensive. This is precisely why we struggle so much with a loss [...]
A year ago, I had to put down my beloved poodle Zoe. I feel the loss even today. She’s was the comfort dog at my medical school and went to work with me everyday. She was always wagging [...]
Most of us can point to a few people in our lives whose sole ambition is to make a lot of money and accumulate things. This pursuit is usually an insatiable one. How much is enough? To that end, [...]
My co-worker who used to feel passion and excitement for her job is struggling to make it through the day. Something has changed. She is disconnected and flat in her conversations. She has all [...]
Have you ever made a goal you really wanted to reach, but despite your good intentions, fell short? I was at my annual doctor visit and the physician kindly “lectured” me on doing more [...]
Gossip! No big deal, Right? Wrong! In the middle of the book of Matthew are two verses that should give us all pause. Matthew 12:36-37 says, “But I say to you that for every idle word men [...]