A patient was struggling with her marriage and asked, “I have a secret I have not told my husband. But if I tell him, it could end the marriage.” When I probed further, I learned that keeping the [...]
Will I see my pets in Heaven? This is me with my beloved poodle Zoe who is no longer with me. It’s not just a question children ask. It’s one many of us think about and the subject of my podcast [...]
Have you ever noticed this scene: A couple is out dining in a nice restaurant. Most of the evening, they don’t talk to each other. Instead, they are on their phones not interacting at all. [...]
You are tired of his shoes left at the side of the bed. You almost tripped getting up at night. So it starts, the argument, that is. “Why do you have to leave your stuff all over the place? Just [...]
It’s a tall biblical order–be anxious about nothing. About 40 million of us struggle to follow this command. Far too many reasons to feel anxious in today’s world, right? Consequently, we [...]
You want to say no to something because you do not think it is the right thing to do. Do you approach it with the thought, “If I say no, what will other people think?” Or do you say, “I need to [...]
Abby was called to a meeting by her boss. He was not happy with her work on the last project and gave her some critical feedback. Devastated, she left his office and began to question her [...]
Have you ever thought about the way couples are portrayed in most situational comedies? Typically we have the “I don’t have a clue” husband whose wife is constantly telling him what to do or [...]
“Trust” is a word we hear often today. Sadly, this is because we have lost trust in so many people and institutions. But nowhere is trust more important than in our relationships. Without trust, [...]
Marijuana–that harmless weed that makes you mellow. Hmmmm…maybe not so much! Once only smoked by hippies, marijuana has now made its way into mainstream America through commercialization. But is [...]