Question: “My husband is really selfish. I see how my friend’s husband is always offering his help and is concerned about how she is doing. He seems more generous to her. Is selfishness a genetic [...]
A patient tells me she can’t sleep. He husband snores and it keeps her awake almost every night. If she falls asleep before he does, she doesn’t always wake up. But even then, his snoring can be [...]
I am always surprised when a couple tells me they haven’t had sex in a year. This is not normal or healthy for any married relationship. However, there are times when sex is put on the back [...]
Someone deeply hurt you. You have all this pent up anger. What are you going to do with it? Forgive? No, because you don’t feel like it. You don’t want to. “Didn’t you hear me? I was deeply hurt [...]
Happy 4th of July! As this holiday weekend approaches, I remain thankful for our freedom. But I was thinking about how divided we are as a country. People cannot even hold different points of [...]
When the Spice Girls sang, “Tell me what you want, what you really really want,” no one was thinking this was a reference to emotional intelligence. Yet, being able to clearly articulate what you [...]
I do not like discussing politics. Never have and really dislike it these days. It has become so divisive. If you say anything someone doesn’t like, you get cancelled. Fear has taken over. And it [...]
Every day, I hear about another couple who has decided to call it quits. Their reasons vary but are most related to lost love and incompatibility. So, I am not talking about abuse, neglect and [...]
This week on my radio show we honor dads. No matter what the culture tells you, dads play an important role in the healthy development of children. Too often the role of fathers is minimized or [...]
Anger is rampant in our culture. And it doesn’t seem like it takes much to be on the receiving end of an angry tweet, text or call. People get triggered easily and often. Anger is an intense [...]