If you haven’t heard of Tok Tok, you don’t have children or grandchildren. TiK Tok is a social media platformed used by millions. Actually there are about 3 billion downloads to date. [...]
By now, you are aware of the story of Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars. It’s been all over the news and social media. In case you missed it, Chris Rock was hosting the Academy [...]
How sad is it when a teen who stands for purity is laughed at and mocked by her peer group? That brave young lady is trying to stand by her convictions. Convictions that will end in her [...]
During coffee one morning, Rita said, “I wonder if I have a food problem.” While this was sort of surprising, I pressed, “Why do you think that? What brought this on?” She [...]
Jessica revealed to her small church group that she struggles with depression. She is one in five people who will be diagnosed with a mental health disorder this year. And if she doesn’t address [...]
Sipping my morning latte, my screens are filled with images of war. People fleeing Ukraine. Children being bombed. Elderly people displaced and most disturbing, a mass grave in which bodies are [...]
Two adult sisters sat in my therapy office. They hadn’t spoken to each other for over 6 months due to a conflict that began when their mom died. What quickly became evident was that they [...]
The work world has changed. Probably, forever. The pandemic forced us to work from home. From a computer. Forget the desk. Forget the dressing-to-please. All you need is to be Zoom-appropriate. [...]
This is a very disturbing story. A dad, his 4-year-old son and a 3-year-old sibling were going to MacDonald’s. The children were in the back seat of the car as they drove through the lane [...]
Have you ever heard someone say, “It feels like I am walking on eggshells? Small things become big. There is always a conflict. And I feel like something will erupt at any time.” They might be [...]