It is the time of the year we are supposed to feel joyful and excited, yet so many of us may feel overwhelmed, dreading all the planning of the holiday, and do not like the person we become [...]
On a recent trip to Palm Springs, I was taken aback by how much cannabis was promoted in the shopping area of the town. Dispensaries were everywhere and looked like high-end retail shops. [...]
There is always one toxic coworker that makes you crazy. It doesn’t seem to matter where you work. It could be that guy who always takes credit for other peoples’ work or goes [...]
Emotional intelligence (EI) involves your ability to recognize, understand and mange your emotions. It is a type of intelligence you want to grow in order to become more [...]
We hear a lot today about the mind-body connections. How we think impacts how we feel. How we feel impacts how we think. The process involves controlling neurochemical transmissions in the [...]
Chronic pain is the primary reason Americans are on disability. One of the main treatments for pain has been opioid medications. But opioids have the potential for abuse and addiction. [...]
The title of an article in The Atlantic caught my eye a few weeks ago, “Gossiping is good?” When I read the title I immediately thought of the biblical admonition to not gossip. [...]
It’s been quite the week and I admit, there were moments when I felt overwhelmed. Work deadlines were relentless. Family issues needed to be attended to and there was little time [...]
Living beyond pain is a goal for every chronic pain sufferer. And it’s the title of my new book co-authored with physician Dr. James Kribs (Baker Books). All of us who struggle with [...]
How many times have you heard an entertainer talk about a difficult childhood and how music or acting seemed to be an outlet for coping? What does a difficult childhood do to a person as they [...]