My boss is an introvert. I am an extrovert. We are very different in our approaches to problems and life. For example, when there is conflict, I want to work it out immediately. I want to [...]
Everyone makes mistakes and has issues. We all have imperfections that come out in our intimate relationships. But how you think about your partner and his or her flaws really matters. It can [...]
If you’ve ever talked to a Navy Seal (I lived in Norfolk, VA., so yes, I have!), you will learn a lot about how they are taught to handle pressure in the most chaotic circumstances. There [...]
Some of you may remember Man of the Year, model citizen John Gacey. You can find a picture of him with then First Lady, Rosalynn Carter. He was well liked by his community. What people [...]
Like many of you, I heard the very sad news that Pastor, Jarrid Wilson died by suicide last Monday. He left us shortly after he preached a funeral for a woman who also ended her life [...]
What does a Navy Seal platoon commander tell his men to help them stay strong? And what do Army Rangers say to their team that helps them endure difficult training? The answer [...]
You are feeling down and your friend tells you, just think happy thoughts. Utter a few positive self-statements. Follow this with a happy meme and it will brighten your day. How many [...]
In terms of what we know about relationships, small and annoying habits can add up to big relationship frustrations and even contribute to divorce. Here is one that falls into that category. It [...]
Why is it so easy for us to instantly think negative thoughts? We get called into the boss’s office and immediately think we are in trouble. Or our elderly parent calls us at a [...]
Do you know that couple who got married and couldn’t keep their hands off of each other? The PDA was intense for the first few months of their marriage. Did you think, wow they [...]