Men with eating disorders? Not the first thought we have when we think about an eating disorder. Typically, we think of young, thin women. But this week, during eating disorders awareness week, [...]
Have you ever wanted something intensely and pursued it whole heatedly? If so, would you say you were ambitious? For the person of faith, the different between ambition and humble service can be [...]
Orthorexia was not a term Julie had ever heard. But she did notice that her friend, Ella, talked a lot about eating healthy. It was almost as if she bragged about eating only what she considered [...]
This time of year, those of us determined to lose weight may be waning in our resolve. Let’s face it, the weight loss battle is not easily won. There are too many tempting foods and reasons to [...]
Do you ever feel like an imposter? Do you think you don’t deserve your accomplishments? Do your worry your friends will think you are a fraud? Do you ever sense that you just don’t belong? [...]
Once a year, we celebrate love on Valentine’s Day. Most of us will make dinner reservations, buy cards and gifts to express our love and appreciation for that special someone. But after the [...]
“You are nothing but a narcissist and I can’t take it anymore. The constant focus on self, the lack of empathy for my feelings, your need to be admired, thinking you are [...]
We all know the child who can’t sit still, is impulsive and easily distracted. And we repeatedly hear that the numbers of children diagnosed with ADHD continues to rise. As we think [...]
Why is change so hard? We have great intentions and want to improve our lives. We start out very motivated, but then seem to fail to do the very things we want to do. Why is this? Consider these [...]
When someone in a relationship has a narcissistic personality disorder, it is quite challenging. Who wants to be with a person who thinks he is always right or consumed with his own issues? In [...]