We just completed a 360 evaluation with my co-workers and leaders. The purpose was to get feedback from colleagues to help us become better leaders. Several people who work with me were asked to [...]
Do you know someone who takes forever to answer a simple question? It takes a long time for that person to get to the point and you just want to interrupt and quote Shakespeare, “Brevity is [...]
Do you ever feel like you’ve hit a wall?’ It’s like a storm is raging all around you. You receive a bad health diagnosis, a relationship breaks up, your boss is impossible, the [...]
Here is a scary story about gaming. A 23-year-old male was engaged for 23 hours straight playing “League of Legends” in a Taiwan Internet cafe in 2012 He had a heart attack and died [...]
Last Sunday morning I was listening to the sermon in church from the book of Numbers. I had this thought, “Have we Christians become a bunch of snowflakes?” Here is what led to that [...]
Recently, I attended a conference on chronic pain and treatments. A woman in the audience made a passionate case for the use of marijuana for pain relief. Her source was friends who used it and [...]
This Father’s Day, I am visiting my 97-year-old dad. He is hard of hearing, in a wheelchair but still clear in his mind. We are blessed! Despite the setbacks of aging, his mood is remarkably [...]
I was stunned this week when I saw the headline. Kate Spade dead at age 55. This designer of the purse I carry to work every day, ended her what appeared to be successful life. And the age old [...]
I read an interesting article about an author who wrote a book on friendships. The author made the point that the lack of friends can be a key reason why marriages fail, people are unemployed or [...]
One of the concerns people who are diagnosed with depression have is knowing if medication treatment can help them. Many of us don’t want to take a medication if it is not necessary. [...]