Jack has suffered with depression for years. He is one of 5 million people who have what is called treatment-resistant depression. He has tried numerous antidepressant drugs that would work for [...]
Does it seem like men get better sleep than women? If we battled it out, who would win? The minute my husband turns off the light at night, he falls asleep. It doesn’t work that way for me. It [...]
The root cause of anxiety is sometimes easier to spot than others. Sharon was about to go into her promotions meeting at work, but began to feel her heart race, her palms sweat and her hands [...]
Long gone are the days when someone using porn has to wait for a brown paper wrapped magazine to be delivered to his house. Now, thanks to the Internet, the digital world of pornography can be [...]
Like most of you, I was grieved over the horrific events of last week–bombs sent in the mail to politicians and a gunman killing innocent Jews gathering in their temple to name a baby. The [...]
Vaping has become cool for many teens due to the availability of flavored e-juices. The argument goes, I can vape without using nicotine, so it must be safe, right? Wrong, but if you read the [...]
“I have a headache. Do you think I should have it checked out? What if it is a brain tumor? I saw something on the internet that sounded like my symptoms and the person died. Should I go [...]
Does it seem like men get better sleep than women? If we battled it out, who would win? The minute my husband turns off the light at night, he falls asleep. It doesn’t work that way for me. It [...]
Do you expect good things to happen in your life? What about in your relationships? Expectations make a difference? When they are positive, it helps a relationship grow. When you don’t know what [...]
Given the events of the past weeks, it is clear how blame can ruin peoples’ lives. The opposite is also true-the lack of blame allows people to get away with things. Blame, when tied to guilt, is [...]