“I can’t imagine what it must have been like to go through what you just did. It sounds awful and I am here to listen.” How many of us have people in our lives who offer this [...]
“Why is everyone interrupting each other at the dinner table? “This was my husband’s comment at his first holiday with my loud and opinionated family. Yes, we talk over each other and have lively [...]
Jack was passed over for a promotion. When he asked why, his boss said, “You have trouble making decisions in the face of uncertainty. I need someone whose emotions won’t cloud their [...]
Jack and Jill are fighting again. Does this mean their relationship is going downhill? Not if you know that this is a common couple problem and that this issue has solutions. Intimate [...]
I had a boss who would overthink every decision. Our office moved at the speed of molasses because of this. He had to look at every possible angle of every decision that was made. It drove us all [...]
This past week, the Carolinas were being slammed by the impact of hurricane Florence. As someone who lived on tidal water and knows the fright of these storms, especially during high tide, I [...]
You take a selfie. Then you look at it and begin to edit– a new filter, better angle, crop here and there. Make your teeth look whiter, your lips bigger…OK now it is ready to publish. [...]
Brown University researchers published a study in August on PLOS ONE, a peer reviewed science journal. The study was about “rapid-onset gender dysphoria.” Rapid-onset gender dysphoria [...]
In my 30 years of working with people, I have seen the power of forgiveness set people free. An adult child who was sexually abused, a wife betrayed by a husband, a teen whose addicted father [...]
We just completed a 360 evaluation with my co-workers and leaders. The purpose was to get feedback from colleagues to help us become better leaders. Several people who work with me were asked to [...]