Jack and Rachel have been in a contentious marriage for quite some time. Their friends would describe them as a high conflict couple. The stress is getting to their two middle school [...]
When I listen to any political person rail against guns as a fix for school shootings, I get upset. The focus in wrong and yet it persists and dominates headlines. This tells me there is a lack [...]
Most of us know the feeling of procrastination. It often goes like this: I know I have to complete that project by the end of week. Nothing in me wants to do it. I’ll go to the gym. [...]
Are you easily angered? Do you have a low tolerance for frustration. Does any little thing annoy and frustrate you? Are you tired of feeling out of control? If so, consider this. Some children [...]
Have you ever had that moment when you thought or said, “Who made you the boss?” Someone in authority or a leader makes a decision and you think you know better. If we are [...]
You want to lose weight and know what you need to eat. But does stress make it harder to actually make healthy food choices? Let’s say you are under stress at work. You have to [...]
I was listening to HLN the other day as I was driving home from work and heard a show about Harvard University’s humanist chaplain. I went to Harvard’s chaplaincy page and found [...]
PDF Conflict with Difficult People
Monica represents one in five sexually active teens now using emergency contraceptives for birth control. That number represents an increase from 1 in 12 a decade ago. According to the CDC, easy [...]
Every day, just living our lives, we face a number of opportunities to test our character. Often, our true self comes out in the small things; the everyday trials, frustrations or simple [...]