For 7 years my husband and I experienced infertility. I was poked and prodded more times than I ever care to recall. All the testing came back with no known cause to our infertility. We were [...]
When the cheating website, AshleyMadison, was recently hacked, names were released. Affairs were revealed. Couples, families and churches are dealing with the revelation of loved ones and [...]
Happy Grandparents Day! I’m not a grandparent yet, but I have many happy memories of my grandparents around Sunday dinners, family get togethers and special occasions. My dad’s [...]
On my visit to NYC this summer, I went to the 911 Memorial. This was a picture I took as I stood at the footprint of the two missing towers. I don’t know David Brady or any of the other [...]
When I wrote the chapter on Sex and Affection in my latest book, We Need to Talk, I referenced the infidelity site I couldn’t believe a website promoted married [...]
Labor Day! Fire up the barbecue, head to the beach or hike that mountain trail! Most of us think of this as a welcomed day off, marking the end of summer and the beginning of school and work for [...]
The other day, I ran into the grocery store to pick up a last minute item for dinner. As I meandered through the aisles trying to find the one item I needed, I noticed the checkout lines were [...]
When you contemplate a beautiful work of art by van Gogh, you sense the genius and creativity behind it. What mind envisions such beauty and is able to capture it on a canvas? Or how about when [...]
Like most of you, I was shaken by the horrific events of this past week: the senseless shooting of two TV journalists happened in my backyard. Those reporters worked at one of the TV [...]
If you watch most television shows, you would think that the most important part of any relationship is sex! But when it comes to what matters most in a relationship, it’s not the sex. [...]