In honor of national dog day… I feel blessed that I get to take my dog to work every day. Zoe, pictured here, is the comfort dog for the medical school in which I work. Every morning [...]
When Shakespeare asked, “What’s in a name?” the answer is, more than you think. Many years ago, I worked in a very poor school district and noticed a number of the [...]
John left the meeting frustrated, angry and ready to quit. He returned to his office and fired off an angry email. For the moment, he felt better, he got his anger off his chest. But did [...]
Rena, a charming three-year-old, stares at the carrots, potatoes and chicken on her plate. She tells her mom she doesn’t want any of it. No matter what is served, Rena wants to eat mac and [...]
“Conflict is an inevitable reality. Like a car flying down the interstate, our body shuts the windows and locks the doors to contain all our pain. Conflict moves in a set direction on four [...]
Preschool, a time of fun activity, hands on learning and playing with other children. But preschool social interactions may tell us something about the future direction of those [...]
It’s a common sight. People texting and walking. I admit. I get annoyed when I am walking in a big city and someone walks into me because they are texting on their phone. Everything inside [...]
While having a high IQ doesn’t guarantee life success, it sure helps with academic achievement. So if you feel you need a little IQ boost, keep reading. Measures of intelligence are not [...]
Most of you are concerned about the effects of divorce on the adjustment of your children. You want to do whatever possible to help them adjust. You already feel guilty about putting children [...]
Losing weight seems to be a life long trial for so many of us. Let’s just say that getting on the scale is a sometimes depressing event. I know it is important to weigh yourself regularly [...]