Feeling down and blue? Has the gloom of winter gotten you? The sky is cloudy and dark. You feel tired, unable to concentrate, want to eat, crave carbohydrates, and feel like being alone. It’s [...]
For all the times you’ve said, “Why did I just eat that?” Say good-bye to one of the most overlooked areas of our relationship to food — mindless eating. This [...]
Last Friday, you couldn’t turn on a television without seeing major coverage of Tiger Woods’ now famous apology. (I had my opportunity to chime in on CBN’s Newswatch that day as well.) I was [...]
My children don’t know there is an American Girl Place shopping bag overstuffed with presents secretly stashed away in my bedroom closet. By the time December hits, I have a mountain of bargain [...]
“Hey, compared to the movies, I’m nice!” Dr Linda Helps – “I was married before so it’s unrealistic to expect me not to have sex.” “Everyone in the singles group sleeps [...]
It’s that time of year again when most of us consider the trek home to join the family fun. For many, it’s a trip into dysfunction, raising anxiety levels. Family get-togethers can [...]
It’s the holiday season! And as someone who has treated compulsive overeaters for years, I know how difficult this time of year can be. From Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day, food [...]
How do you as a parent make sense of all the claims and therapies suggested for AD/HD children today? There are numerous AD/HD “treatments” without scientific evidence to back them. Although [...]
01 Dr. Linda Kids and Worry When researchers interviewed kids, here is what they found: Researchers Silverman, LaGreca and Wasserstein (1995) decided to study the normal worries of schoolchildren [...]
Summer will soon be here. Get ready for, “Mom, I’m bored.” Try these 10 suggestions! Dr Linda Helps – “Mom, I’m bored. There is nothing to do around here!” Is there a [...]