I previously shared a blog about understanding trauma, and now I’d like to delve into healing from complex trauma. This journey is deeply personal and often demands time and patience. Each [...]
Divorce is a common experience, and even when it unfolds without drama, it can have profound effects on children that often go unrecognized. The fallout of divorce on children, particularly on [...]
When we talk about trauma, many people instinctively want to push it to the back of their minds and move on. But some types of trauma linger, casting a long shadow over our lives. Complex trauma [...]
During my college years, Thanksgiving break often turned into a political battleground, thanks to my loud and opinionated family. We all know the unspoken rule: steer clear of politics during [...]
It’s that time of year again! My neighborhood is alive with decorations—skeletons, ghosts, spiders, and all things spooky. Full disclosure: I’m not a fan of the holiday or its decorations. I [...]
I have a simple, free practice that can significantly enhance your physical health. This isn’t a gimmick or a fleeting trend; it’s a habit you can adopt regularly to help you thrive. You have [...]
Do you find yourself anxious and worrying most of the time without any clear reason? Perhaps anxiety has woven itself into the fabric of your daily life, and you feel powerless to control it. If [...]
Have you ever read a news story and thought, “This can’t be true! It defies common sense”? That’s exactly how I felt when I came across this story. I had to share it to shed light on the [...]
Sometimes anxiety hits and we don’t know why. We just feel anxious. But something is going on in your body that could be causing an anxious feeling. Your autonomic nervous system is constantly [...]
Sarah is doing something her family has a hard time understanding. She is harming herself by regularly cutting on her thighs and arms. College adjustment has been difficult and she finds herself [...]