A friend and I were looking at old wedding pictures. “I was skinny as could be when I got married. But look at me, a year later, I am packing on the weight. What happened to [...]
As Christians, we have to decide what to do with Halloween. Do we ignore it, participate with our neighbors, do our own thing, go to a church harvest party, or what? Is it better to engage the [...]
Bad news for the NFL. In September, a study was released that looked at the brains of deceased NFL players who had donated their brain to science due to suspicion of CTE (Chronic Traumatic [...]
Friendships! Do we nurture, appreciate and take care of them? Having a friend you can count on is priceless, so perhaps we should pay attention to those important relationships that bring so much [...]
Most of us realize that a good way to get a response from a child, teen or young adult is to text them. This is how they like to communicate. There are benefits to texting communication: 1) [...]
When you want to be socially engaged and yet are finding it difficult to do so, you can feel lonely. And when you feel lonely, you tend to isolate and interpret peoples’ actions as negative [...]
I just had my 6 month check up with the dentist. It wasn’t good news. There is an infection brewing under one of my teeth. I had no idea, but was glad I kept my six month appointment. [...]
Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship. The key to building trust is to know the other person’s world and reliably respond to it. Do what you say. Keep your promises. A second [...]
For 30 years I have taught in medical schools and universities. This generation is different. They are more anxious and suffer from higher rates of anxiety [...]
Last year, I wrote a blog, Is Sitting the New Smoking? In that blog, I reported on the impact of too much sitting on physical health. Too much sitting is linked to heart disease,… Read [...]